Crone meets Maiden

Maturing Spring

As Winter and Spring approach their own seasonal frontiers we also meet the merger of youth and experience. A warm greeting between Springs maiden and Winters crone, the launch point of the seasonal cycle and the cusp of great and as yet unmanifest potential. Spring in general, and especially the time of the equinox, represent the moment where suddenly both parties realize it is time.

There is anticipation, there is hope, there are often tears as the crone hugs the maiden and wishes her well on her journey “out there”.

The lessons of spring and the Wood element are youthful, unbridled and venturing outwards - equally they can be impatient, impetuous and unaware of consequence - think of your own teenage self. The wisdom of Winter is what we seek to bring forward; the value of saving for a rainy day, and the inevitable death that will come with the Autumn. 
 Winter says, in Springs impatient rise that to go slow is wise. Exercise caution. Hold some in reserve. This approach will keep us humble in abundant times, and abundant in the lean ones.  As our Springs mature we have a vision that sees beyond the moment.   We connect to the purposeful and inspired action of the 'now' moment, and clutch the long game to our chests as we leap. 

Celebrate all the phases. Find out more about our Spring time events here


Understanding Yin Yang


Wind. The force of the Wood Element.