Spring Equinox & Spirituality
Spring | Wood Element Yolande Hyde Spring | Wood Element Yolande Hyde

Spring Equinox & Spirituality

The Spring Equinox invites us to consider what balance and equanimity are, and through that lens, the parts we wish to renew and reinvigorate or lovingly demolish. It’s a personal journey, coalescing a future vision that was conceived in the dark liminal of winter and marinated in our original light.

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Wind in the Element of Wood
Spring | Wood Element Yolande Hyde Spring | Wood Element Yolande Hyde

Wind in the Element of Wood

Through winds lift the kite teaches us how to be both adaptable and creative in the play of force. It demonstrates responsive beauty and malleable strength as it reads the lift and drag, leaning in to dive, turn and rise as its run exceeds its weight and it touches heaven. Navigating not by brutality or determination but by leaning into every nuance of its environment, and choosing to be creative with all that it finds. Knowing this as the step-by-step process that builds great things.

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Early Spring & Young Wood
Spring | Wood Element Yolande Hyde Spring | Wood Element Yolande Hyde

Early Spring & Young Wood

Through submission to any blockage or challenge experienced, we discover (or release) our true power in accordance with it. Viewing an obstacle as the tangible vehicle through which we become unstuck helps us to grow with an openness that makes anything possible.

“When obstacles are insurmountable
open to the teaching”
I Ching

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The ‘Way’ is easy

The ‘Way’ is easy

We often hear talk of the Law of Attraction among modern Self Help gurus and changemakers, however its not a new idea. The ancient Taoists were well and truly onto the concept that thoughts turn to things, and as such urged purity of thought and mind “in here” so that what we created “out there” matched the frequency of goodness in all ways.
They called this nourishment, and its discovery speaks the volume of who we are.

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Sun, Rain and Wood.
Spring | Wood Element Yolande Hyde Spring | Wood Element Yolande Hyde

Sun, Rain and Wood.

As Spring gains momentum around us we are moving as rising Yang. From the belly of the family hearth of winter, outwards like the wind, to the very edges of the world this blog looks at growth and evolution through the lens of the Wood Element.

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From Water to Wood

From Water to Wood

At this critical seasonal crossover we meet Winds gentle persistence and unreleting influence that, over time, erodes mountains and sculpts rocks. What it brings to the psyche of the seasonal traveller is a lengthening of the rope on the bucket of the well that enables the villagers to replenish from the Waters that are deep, clear and plentiful within. Its about allowing yourself to be moved.

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