Pranayama for the Threshold
Yolande Hyde Yolande Hyde

Pranayama for the Threshold

A pranayama practice delivered as a cumulative continuous experience of breath, breath holding and the limbic state that comes from your exquisite attention.

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Solar Pranayama
Yolande Hyde Yolande Hyde

Solar Pranayama

A sweet pranayama practice to help ground and integrate the energy from the sun.

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Pranayama & the Outgoing Tide
Yolande Hyde Yolande Hyde

Pranayama & the Outgoing Tide

I think about the times in my life when letting go has been the only option - so easy in words, so unspeakable in action. It has been in these times that the practice of breathwork and pranayama became salvation. The one place where I could imagine letting go helped me untie the first knot, then the next, and the next……

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The Spirit of the Lungs
Yolande Hyde Yolande Hyde

The Spirit of the Lungs

This class leans into the Metal Element and the Spirit of the Po that exists as its guardian and mentor. Through a series of breathing techniques we pull down the veil and edge closer to parts of us that rise and fall like a tide, and live in a state of optimism and hope for a bright and bountiful harvest come next spring.

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Pranayama in the Full Moon
Yolande Hyde Yolande Hyde

Pranayama in the Full Moon

Join me for the high tide of a full moon, and the ripe completion of the Late Summer phase as we work a 35-minute sequence for cooling, calming, and letting be.
As is the work of the times.

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Pranayama for Autumn
Yolande Hyde Yolande Hyde

Pranayama for Autumn

This pranayama practice and this sequence of breathing techniques is a leveler, a calming balm, and a draught of milk and honey for the soul.

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Pranayama for Purity
Yolande Hyde Yolande Hyde

Pranayama for Purity

Pranayama is life-force energy, a profound practice that literally changes your life. This podcast delivers a 30-minute pranayama practice to take you out of the physical body and into the Light Field, of the pure and true Self.

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