Neck, shoulders and upper back | Mid Summer Seasonal Yoga

This practice is a soothing balm for the Fire element, offering balance and renewal.

Fire governs warmth, light, and transformation. When harmonious, it brings joy, connection, and vitality, when out of balance, it can lead to restlessness, agitation, or burnout.

This practice works to clear hearts chimney, allowing its flame to burn steadily and cleanly.

Clearing blockages and dispersing excess heat, and releasing the overwhelm and exhaustion that can accumulate. So we invite the Fire element to radiate its joy, clarity, and openness.

As heat moves upward and out, what remains is a body and mind cooled, softened, and more receptive to life’s beauty. This practice helps transform scattered, overactive energies into a steady glow, nourishing the heart and spirit and promoting inner calm and renewal.


Yoga and Pranayama for the METAL Element: Plumbing Autumn