Solar Pranayama
Yolande Hyde Yolande Hyde

Solar Pranayama

A sweet pranayama practice to help ground and integrate the energy from the sun.

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Pranayama & the Outgoing Tide
Yolande Hyde Yolande Hyde

Pranayama & the Outgoing Tide

I think about the times in my life when letting go has been the only option - so easy in words, so unspeakable in action. It has been in these times that the practice of breathwork and pranayama became salvation. The one place where I could imagine letting go helped me untie the first knot, then the next, and the next……

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Pranayama for Purity
Yolande Hyde Yolande Hyde

Pranayama for Purity

Pranayama is life-force energy, a profound practice that literally changes your life. This podcast delivers a 30-minute pranayama practice to take you out of the physical body and into the Light Field, of the pure and true Self.

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