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.Divining Our Energetic World: A Weekend Workshop with Alanna Moore

Join us in Callala Bay, on the edge of Jervis Bay, for an experiential weekend workshop on dowsing and connecting with the energetic landscapes of nature.

Learn techniques for energy assessment, improving plant and soil health, water divining, and harmonizing landscape energies.
Explore sensitive permaculture design, geopathic stress, and work with tools like Power Towers to stimulate plants and animals.
The weekend includes practical dowsing sessions, nature spirit exploration, and a field trip to special energy sites

It is ideal for those interested in sensitive permaculture design, energy harmonization, and connecting deeply with nature’s subtle forces.

Cost: $190 the weekend
$100 Saturday only

The workshop is being held on a private property.
Address on booking.
BYO lunch


Alanna Moore has been a long time advocate of tuning into the subtle energies found in nature to enhance her practical permaculture design. She applies her learning from ancient and traditional cultures, with their grounding in caring for the earth and connection to spirit, in ways that challenge the way we see the physical world.

- Permaculture Principals