Pluto's Last Stand

Leadership, Revolution, and the End of an Era

Leadership, Transition, and the End of an Era

The recent elections in the US were a belly-of-the-beast moment that captured the last act of Pluto in Capricorn. It was a seismic shift that few anticipated and one the ruling elite dreaded the most. This was Pluto’s wrecking ball in action—a landslide of change, an unmistakable pivot in history, and a clear nod to the Aquarian paradigms that lie ahead where power no longer rests with the few but is transferred to the many.

The tumult, the players and the strife are all part of the bigger cycles of the rise and fall of world empires. Played out on the US stage an elected leader’s term in office cut decisively short by the swift hand of the administrative State was seen by many as the beginning of the end. In its reach, the State imposed itself upon the rights and liberties of its citizens with mandates, medications and restrictions unprecedented in scale. In the COVID years that followed, many were left questioning as the war on health, freedom, and individual autonomy unfolded at the behest of a narrow elite backed by corporate interests and credentialed ‘experts’ with little grounding in the real-world struggles of those affected.

…..and Pluto churned onwards.

Excavating through Capricorn and the big end of town since 2008 Pluto started with the GFC and systematically worked through big media, big pharma, big ag, governments, banks and Hollywood until no stone was left unturned.

Prior to this, it was a profitable age for the elites where wealth and assets accumulated and there was no boundary or consequence to their behaviour, meanwhile, the ordinary folk got on with it. But as the 2000s went by the world just got narrower, harder and meaner until the stage was set for nature to apply the rule of balance that it lives by.

There was no way it could continue as it once had.

So from the chaos of the last four years has emerged the closest thing to a revolution in modern democratic terms. A rejection of the power imposed from above, a call for freedom and fairness, and an uprising against the notion of “power over” that Pluto in Capricorn has persistently challenged.

What has happened in recent weeks is“Pluto in Capricorn 101” which will likely be studied for years to come as the world reflects on the dynamics of the clash between the individual and the State, the Many and the few.

The Fallout and the Promise of Renewal

Forget the individual protagonists and the personalities, they will only trip you up and have you swimming in circles. Instead, look through a Higher eye at the unfolding of Ages, epochs and timelines and the one undeniable truth: this was the culmination of a class war and a struggle between the overlords and the people.

Pluto’s ongoing uncovering of truth will no doubt be accelerated as we approach his ingress into Aquarius on the 19th of November. Unspooling now are the COVID years along with ongoing policies that have been waging war on our health, wealth, and freedom all orchestrated by a small elite. The veil is most surely lifting and the real Wizard of OZ is being revealed, and with it the machine toppled in one beautiful referendum. Events in the United States may have spoken the loudest, but the change resonates globally.

Fulfilling the promise of this symbolic revolution and sorting the debris of Pluto will take more than hope -it will take out maturity and Pluto in Aquarius, clear-eyed focus, and a return to community. Amid the rubble of old systems and outdated structures, a new generation of spiritualists, thinkers, writers, and intellectual leaders is emerging. Built on the ashes of the past, they lead a charge to reshape a future that truly honours humanity, integrity, freedom, and unity.

Grounding in the Work of Transformation

For those of us taking the Spiritual path and attempting to make sense of all that’s happened through a balanced eye there has never been a more critical moment to commit to personal evolution. Tasked with shepherding ourselves and each other through these crossover years requires steady grounding in the cycles of nature, a clear heart tuned to the highest order of things, and a mind open like a clear blue sky.


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