Late Winter Light

Just when you thought completion meant sitting still...

The late Winter weeks have come to remind us of the cyclic moods of all things as when anything achieves its highest expression or stability, its nature immediately begins the movement towards breakdown and regeneration. As we reach the point of finality and completion of the winter cycles, we are prompted most strongly to both examine where we are, and to begin to plan for the future.

Think of the vigilance that must be given to a pot of boiling water over a fire - As the water slowly warms, we may think it will never boil, and if we lose concentration and miss the moment it will either spill over and extinguish the fire, or burn the pot dry. In nature, everything is in a state of renewal and anything that reaches completion will begin to move in its own opposite direction. We are being called to remain vigilant and attentive as something has crystallized, the approaching Spring and the winter light let us know it may almost be time to embark on a new direction.

“Do not make plans. Do not be absorbed by activities. Do not think that you know. Be aware of all that is, and dwell in the infinite. Wander where there is no path. Be empty, that is all.”
- I Ching

Keeping the fire burning without allowing the water to evaporate takes great skill and perseverance. You are preparing to transcend opposites and to harness the Spring time creative power of Winters mystery. Perhaps what you thought was complete is just a new beginning.

With that said it’s farewell to one of the most beautiful winters I can recall, and to connecting with you all in person, online or in person this month.

Participate in the seasonal energies through breathwork. Check out our podcast series Light on Pranayama today.


From Water to Wood


Living Five Element Theory