Late Summer

Lessons of Nourishment

Later summer and the Element of Earth brings about the delicious nature of fullness, ripeness, and completion. It is a heavy hinge point in the cycle of things, very opposite in spirit to the end of the Winter cycle that feels barren and thin in comparison. Here nature overflows with the bounty of Woods blueprint and Fires unfolding, the air heavy and moist, the branches groaning, the grains bowing deep under their own weight. 


In the physical body, Earth informs two distinct aspects of our being related exclusively to our nourishment, and all that sits at the root of Earth's great cycles.

First comes our capacity to hunger appropriately, and in balance with what is good and true for us. In a culture addicted to dopamine from sugar, to alcohol, to porn, the capacity for Earth to know when enough is enough, is an important one for our Self-care. Without it addictions can run unchecked, our steady ship loses its true North, and we become shadows of the brightness we really are. This is the domain of the Stomach channel. 

After we have craved and sought out what is good and golden for us comes the body's ability to turn it into meaningful nourishment. Through the Spleen energies that delicious late summer pumpkin transforms itself into the nutrient components that feed our muscles and blood. This is how we take information, opinions, and experiences 'in' and extract from them what truly matters, what nourishes and uplifts, and what cultivates our evolution. 

This is the first harvest and it is the role that Earth plays as we digest, assimilate and merge with all that is good and golden from the last growth cycle. The Earth Element brings time to pause and reflect on all we have learned, created, and become since Winter birthed the Spring. A good way to do this is to go back through the photos on your phone from August/September 2022 to today. Have gratitude for where you traveled and all you overcame, give thanks to the friends, lovers, and family that walked with you on the path, and feel full and satiated by all that you now are without edit or change.  

A Mothers love is nourishing, unlimited, unconditional, and pure.
Embrace Earth.

Be your own Mother. 




Year of the Water Rabbit