Harvest in the Phase of Metal

Traversing the Five Elements in changing times.

The climate of the Autumn season is dryness, a process through which the juicy, life-giving layers drawback, and the bare bones and naked truth of the matter remain. This may be the skeleton left behind by a leaf, the seed left after fruit and flower, or the facts left after everything else has been considered. We have faced some dark times since the beginning of the year; the continuous occupation of Ukraine, Jerusalem, Western Sahara, and Syria, revelations of outrageous wealth, financial and sexual corruption, the silicone valley bank collapse, AI, the Delhi earthquake, French and Israeli protests, and continuing rounds of global shudder and change.

I wanted to lead with this, not to shock or inflame, but to reframe and polish the narrative upwards. Many things in the world that lacked integrity and principal are being brought to account for upgrade and reform. Whilst we may see it as the chaos it is, it’s also the axe that cuts through the places where it has been woody and overgrown for far too long. Could it be that this is the evolutionary harvest we are ripe for?

In the Autumn phase, those that work the land cut the crops at their roots and intersections, gathering, sorting, and storing such that the very best of the crop can be preserved and moved forward into winter. All that didn't quite make the grade is fed to the animals, plowed back into the fields, or given away to those who may have a use for it. The keywords for the Autumn Season and the element of Metal are 'sift and sort'.

While we live in a revolutionary age that seeks freedom, human rights, and new social and political structures, we are also experiencing a Spiritual awakening where the hope of a bigger more loving future lived at a higher state of being feels more possible all the time. When sifted and sorted what we take away from these times will depend on the lens through which we have witnessed them.

In many ways, this is where the work of the Sangha or Spiritual group comes into its own. As we gather weekly to participate in practices that lift our frequency, our hope, and our positivity, we also keep each other buoyant, supported, and accountable. The small act of showing up is the sifting and sorting of the spiritual seeker. Weekly we polish the lens, lift the light quotient, and look to draw only the best out of life as it presents itself. We are living the Metal element - mining for what is precious, polishing the stones, and casting away everything that didn't make the cut. A little bit often is the most powerful alchemy possible.

As strong light downloads continue to beam onto Earth in the form of M and X-class solar storms, our Earth’s reduced magnetic shield opens us up to their influence in unprecedented ways. In 2018 there were 26 Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), in 2020 there were over 100, and for 2022 as many as 1,000 have been recorded with an extremely large one landing in the build-up to the 2023 Autumn Equinox. Along with changes experienced in our physical world, this photonic light is activating our DNA and pineal gland, and expanding our heart energy. As we continue to choose to live within its field we harvest spiritual strength and conviction, stronger boundaries, and a fierce love for humanity that we turn into service for others.

Life among the summarizing, distilling, and purifying currents of Autumn is here and calling us to account. A series of seasonal and cosmological events await us in the coming months, as well as the joy of turning up at dawn together in practice knowing we are spinning it into Gold. Such is the Element of Metal.

Yolande x


The Metal Element & the Eclipse Cycle.


Light on the Metal Element