Finding True Stillness

Be the Lake and the Clouds

In the deep of Winter, swimming in the cool of the Water Element, bubble up the stories from the wells of our unconscious places. Causing turbulence, revealing whirlpools of habits, sticky nostalgia, and barnacle-encrusted memories bobbing to the surface, becoming clearer, stronger and harder to ignore. It’s a Winter thing, and it’s no accident. The clarity and silence of Winter being the perfect host for the choice point, casting off what is no longer in alignment with the best versions of our future Selves.


The image of Winter in the ancient texts is a Lake, a powerful symbol of strength, depth and absolute clarity. Our work this season is to embody its metaphor, stilling the currents and eddies so we clear and open, from the depths upward, to receive the reflections of the clouds above, the divine messenger that is our essential Being. Here we create from the darkness the seeds of our new directions and the fresh potentials that will birth in the Spring.

While we tunnel through the almost eclipse-like energies of this mid-Winter portal we are indeed seeding our Spring gardens. Travelling through yet another power-packed moment to choose letting go, clearing out, clarifying our vision, and committing to something or someone bigger than who and what we are now.

Due to the mysterious nature of Water, what rises here may surprise you; latent talents, so far unknown or unacknowledged, or ideas only now coming to their time. Our work among these tender new things is to remain steadfast with them, willing to serve the greater good, and trusting that we are being guided towards our own best becoming.

Like all of nature, we too will flow between creation and dissolve, sometimes we are called ‘in’, and at others invited ‘out’. Within the Yin signature of Winter comes access to the most profound openness to the pure creation of the void. Now more than ever if it feels correct do it, if there is resistance or doubt back away, let the bigger part of you guide the unfolding. Acquiesce to life as it breaks down the walls to unleash the best of what we can be, and if we can show up with honesty and trust the way will always be easy.

In the image of clouds reflected upwards on a lake we see that openness inviting the clouds in by the nature of its stillness and quiet allowing. Just as the lake and the sky are inexhaustible in their depth, so too are we, capable of grounding and enduring, while at the same time reflecting our divinity outward into all we do. Connecting with Winters' silence and meditation is the first step towards broadcasting the light of your luminous nature into everything you do.

Be the lake and the clouds.


The Water Element


Overcoming obstacles