Balancing the Fire Element

Philosophy & Yoga for mid Summer

The Heart will hold on, giving up only at the very last moment of life. Sitting on the throne in the palace chambers, Heart is the Emperor, sovereign, majestic and powerful. Yet, despite, or perhaps because of his position, he is in great need of the protection and support of his ministry. The guardians and officials that protect Heart filter the outside world to ensure the Emporer is calm, rested and so, capable of ruling with the peace and harmony of the empire at the centre of all he does.

For one misguided move, one missed beat, one acquiesce to a lower frequency, and the whole realm trembles.

The ancients ascribed Heart three devoted servants to reflect his importance, title, and role in maintaining the ongoing harmony of the whole. These protectors make up the realms of Inner and Outer Fire, coming at their work with vastly differing personalities and expectations.

Inner Fire is made up of the Heart itself, and the Small Intestine that sits at its feet, sifting and sorting to ensure only what is pure and noble is seen by Heart, sending the rest down the ministerial line. He protects Heart from the humdrum and ordinary things, from every peasant wanting his neighbourhood disagreements solved, every lost waif knocking at the palace gates, and every word on every website that comes across our screens on a given day. By the grace of the Small Intestine, Hearts focus narrows to more important work, avoiding overwhelm, and ensuring every heartbeat remains calm, measured, and barely noticed.

Together Heart and Small Intestine will keep going, come what may, beat for beat, until the very end, such is the enduring work of Inner Fire. One only needs a moment of imbalance or irregularity to grasp the intimation of chaos that would be revealed if either were to falter. Together they have a seriousness, a gravity in all they do that you will not find present in any other organ. Due to the enormous weight of the task of Inner Fire, it can be hard to recognize FIRES characteristic laughter or joy in either Heart itself or its Small Intestine partner.

And when people say "Open your heart" I am fast to clamp my hand over my chest to assess if it is in fact safe for my Emporer to leave the grounds.

The Yang officials or outer Fire is made up of the Triple Heater and Pericardium channels. These jolly public servants are where we are more likely to see Hearts' face turned towards the brightness of the sun. Relieved of the hard gris and responsibility of Inner Fire, our lightness, joy, and charm live here. Provided their defences are steady and strong, they have time to enjoy themselves, radiating the immeasurable beauty and good cheer of the FIRE Element in spades. Together they are the sunlight of Fire, warming all they meet, and spreading FIRES happiness and appreciation for life wherever they go.

Over the summer months, the hard work, burden, and duty of the FIRE Element is to find the balance between these two roles. Holding the whole kingdom steady while connecting, shining, and playfully enchanting along the way.

If unbalanced, Inner Fire reveals a restless hyperactivity, becoming confused, doubting, and misjudging what is needed to keep the body and soul together. Outer Fire, the 'line of fire' that faces the world, becomes vulnerable, retreating, and unsure how to respond, plunging its bright flame into the shadows of itself lest someone see.

Much of the yoga we do over the summer months is therefore focused on strengthening and fortifying Outer Fire, ensuring the defensive walls are sufficiently strong to withstand the onslaught of the times. Eventually, as FIRE matures, the pathways of Inner and Outer Fire balance. In the last weeks of the season, or as we refine with experience, we may dare to call inner Fire forward. Even then, with only the greatest reverence, respect, and devotion, as befits the Emperor that he is.

Learn more about the flow of the Five Element Theory


Rabbit to Tiger


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