Seasonal Spirituality & Yoga

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Light on the Metal Element

Preparations for a new dawn.

March felt like being pushed through the gates at a football match; hot, sweaty, anticipatory, and way too up close. Intense energies that had me racing and time-pressured on one level, but spacious and quiet on another. Two timelines overlapping, one where everything was speeding up, and the other slow and stretched to a thin line.

The Autumn Equinox, that long celebrated seasonal Powerpoint kicked off something new, a widening perspective of what’s possible, but yet nothing solid taking shape. It’s all a little ethereal, a little air, a little hard to pin down. But this is Metal, operating on a frequency just high enough that we can’t quite separate it from the background noise, yet actively feel as it comes to calve off and descend around us. Metals’ intention is to evolve us through Self-examination and personal review, so unlike the progressive processes of Spring and Summer that are easy to interpret and on full display.

While wars, arrests, protests, and global political and financial insecurity dominate our external landscape, the Metal cycle whispers to us the truth of what is inside, and calls us to review. If we have war on the planet then it is because we are at war within and among ourselves. If we have leaders that are narcissistic or tyrannical it is because those qualities exist within us. If there is an uneven distribution of wealth and abundance in the world it is because we haven't yet learned how to balance that in our own lives. World events and the power play that creates them cannot be separated from the energy or frequency of the collective consciousness. 

This is the nuts and bolts of the Great Awakening. 

The Covid era offered a profound reckoning of our beliefs, habits, values, and lifestyles. We were fixed collectively in a dense holding pattern, nothing really got traction and everything around us was veiled. The only place left to go was ‘in’. Now that the shadow and the drag has lifted (and all planets in the sky above us are moving direct until the end of April) the shift is beginning to reveal itself. First felt and intangible, but later in bricks and mortar reality.

Metals’ sharp blade comes to expose the weak points, purge the debris, and reveal the truth for all to see. This is especially evident as we acknowledge the places where a lack of integrity, transparency, or accountability has been in operation. Metal tunes us to justice, fairness, and balance. Are we happy to buy submarines for the war machine, or would we rather divert funds to help our fellow (wo)man?  

A rethink of the old value systems is true for many, and among our community, I enjoy the enthusiasm for a positive future aligned with equality, tolerance, and a healthy planet. It is the evolutionary energy of Autumn and the Metal Element that brings forward the courage needed to say enough is enough, while also accelerating a brave collective Self-sufficiency.

On a bright note, the Earth has been exposed to an exponential number of M and X-class Solar flares in recent months bringing in Light and new information from far galaxies that we are assimilating as part of our evolution. Although this might feel hard on many of us physically; sleep disruptions, dizziness, aches, pains, etc, are all evidence of how fast we are ascending. This is the biggest evolutionary leap we have experienced in recent generations and we are the pioneers of its language.

Every time we talk of war, corruption, or conspiracy in terms of blame, fault, or agenda we perpetuate the old ways. We live further into all the things that keep us stuck in the very same density. Use the uplifting clearing energy of this increasing Light field to wash clean the land, and you with it. Promise yourself you will look forward and not back.

The current crossroad energy is palpable, use it to call in the wisdom to recognize where you hold or perpetuate the energies of war, corruption, or wounding within yourself, and consciously work to bring light to its shadow. 

If we want to see peace and harmony in the world then be that. Use Metal’s strength of discernment this season to bring yourself to an honest account, choosing your media, conversations, and opinions wisely. Doing things differently with the view to co-creating a new (and better) reality for all.  
Yolande x 

Join me for a powerful 4-day Metal Element Immersion as we carve back the old ways, drawn down into pure breath, and sharpen our swords for the work to come. Check out all our live event information HERE