Seasonal Spirituality & Yoga

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The Wood Element in movement, coordination and grace.

Boots on the Ground

The Wood element is the patron through which our skeletal body locomotes in the world. As I type these words it is Wood that guides my hand to the keyboard and strikes the key. Equally, it is Wood who guides the glass of water from my mouth to its resting place on the table gently, and with control, rather than slamming it down and spilling its contents. Wood is a tireless champion who works to coordinate our every movement and activity for smooth and effortless execution.

Wood is the hero of our effortless doing, organizing and creating structure, planning, calibrating and moving in sync with itself. Think for a moment of the 12 months or so it takes a baby to coordinate its body to reach for something, sit, crawl, stand and walk. Or the effort required to re-learn how to coordinate the body after an accident or a stroke has caused us to lose the key.

Woods influence is so vast, deciding first that I want a cup of tea, then instigating a series of messages to the ligaments and tendons to contract or release, to the brain to tell me what to do, and to all the intricate movements and decisions executed between here and there. Will I drink the tea I usually drink today, or will I change my habit, broaden my perception of what's possible and try something different?
This is all Wood.

The incredible potential that is the body moves under Woods control, awaiting the commands of the Liver to plan what needs to be done, and the command of the Gall Bladder that sets about the doing of them.

Wood plays a critical role in the intricacy and vastness of our human Beingness, a landscape of complexity that orientates us towards our dreams and goals and matches the majesty of the movements of stars and planets 'out there', and the tiny atomic parts of our us "in here".

It’s healthy to occasionally blow your mind!
Also, a pretty picture of Spring Butterflies.

Come and join us for an uplifting, expansive season of yoga and breathwork practices this Spring.
Online, on-demand and live in person.