Seasonal Spirituality & Yoga

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The ‘Way’ is easy

Yet people prefer paths

Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of the heart, and that depends upon how much one has polished it. Whoever has polished it more, sees more and more unseen forms become manifest"
– Rumi

I think we can agree that we are alive in times of thunderous flux and change, where the bedrock of what we knew and understood to be fact is now in disarray. As is the way with all things destroyed, the creative potential of the rebuild is matching in vastness and is up for grabs.

The Taoist masters taught that “What the people determine as great, they nourish" - This was another way of saying thoughts turn to things. As we come to better understand that the attitudes, values, and beliefs we cultivate in our inner world create the manifestations of what we build forward for ourselves we also come closer to a new vision for our planet.

This powerful Springtime message is calling us to exercise discernment and refinement in our inner world so that, as the thoughts become the unfoldings, they mirror the best of who we can be.

The last few years brought us to a kind of cultural breaking point where we turned in to discover the new essence of fulfilment and satisfaction in life. What became clear was that there were two minds. One in the carbon-based, organic body, focused wholly on survival and often trained to detect everything wrong. The other, Spiritual or energetic in nature, is the guide to our dreams, with a boundless optimism focused on growth.

From this starting point, we can better understand where our fundamental philosophy touches down. Do we live life from the perspective of success or failure? Does our philosophy manifest the feeling that all is well in the world? Or that life works against you?

What we think about all day will colour the environment that we meet, so when we examine our beliefs and motivations, we are more likely to move in sync with the purity of what we would most like to create for ourselves.

There are no lines separating what is happening ‘in here from what transpires ‘out there'.

This also means that rebooting your mind to an open, nonjudgmental field also means the world meets you in the same way. Because you are available for lifes benevolence, it fills you daily.

What we nourish in the Heart of this Springtime up-rising becomes the image reflected in our experience, and will merge into the fruits of summer, and the harvest of the Autumn season accordingly.

As the times summon us from within, we have the opportunity to better understand what motivates us and, in turn, what name we give to the root of our deservedness.

Polish the Heart, refine your vision of how life delivers to you, and relax into the easy fulfilment that comes from witnessing life’s ongoing power to nourish.

Learn more about the flow of the Five Element Theory here