Seasonal Spirituality & Yoga

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The Metal Element & the Eclipse Cycle.

Taoist Five Element Philosophy and the eclipse energies.

Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of the heart, and that depends upon how much one has polished it. Whoever has polished it more, sees more – more unseen forms become manifest.

– Rumi

Change is all about us, unmanifest, barely perceptible, but oh so obvious - to those with eyes to see. The status quo of our lives, shaken from the inside out feels the thunderous shifts on the horizon as Autumn's quest for purity rings throughout the valley of the eclipse portal, asking us to reflect on how we got here, and where we will go next.

Autumns' powers of discernment summon our blades, as we cut back, refine and realign our future versions, just as each Autumn in the forest holds the energy of every generation that will follow. A time to ponder the quality of our thoughts so as to better understand why events unfold as they do.

With particular attention, Autumn asks us to examine our motivations, especially those that bring us to breaking point, and to see each one, not as a failure, but as a nudge toward the real essence of our fulfilment.

Our thoughts shape and nurture our experience, yet two of them are in operation at any given time. The carbon-based mind, wholly committed to survival and trained to detect everything that's wrong in the world, and the etheric mind, guiding our dreams with a boundless optimism focused on growth as it unwinds the pools of stagnation and broken hearts.

Is your philosophy manifesting the feeling that all is well in the world or that life is working against you?

As we traverse the waters between eclipses we are gifted a unique moment in which to synchronise these two spinning wheels into an open and non-judgmental flow so that life's benevolence and joy can fill us daily once we reach the other side.

In magic times when the Aurora nearly reaches the equator, destiny can unfold from a seed within, and life will meet us halfway with the elements needed to cultivate it

Learn more about the Metal Element and Autumn philosophy here

Yolande x