Seasonal Spirituality & Yoga

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Rabbit to Tiger

Chinese New Year Part 1

The beginning of any year is accompanied by a surge of all things new and possible, especially after two years of repression, oppression, and control. On the horizon is the year of the Rabbit, domestic and social, as the regal Tiger wraps up his business. With Mercury, Mars, and Uranus all still in their retrograde cycles, it seemed like the perfect time to pause (nothing seems to be getting done anyway) to look back. 

The imperial Tiger promised a year of courage, adventure, action, and of a patient hunter with a keen eye on the prize. Something it delivered in spades, just not quite the way we imagined.  

Given that history shows the emergence, and fall, of great empires, from the Romans to the Tudors, the Incas to the Ottomans, future historians may yet come to regard 2022 as a cultural hinge point of similar energetics - as a society we certainly didn't end the year anywhere near who we were when we began. War, political turmoil, and natural disasters dominated the news, while more quietly, ordinary people began standing up for freedom. Regimes born out of protests can also be toppled by them, a message the people of Iran are bringing home. 

Yet despite everything we are growing, evolving, and becoming better versions of ourselves. Standing up for what we believe, looking for solutions, and helping in any way we can. The crisis, chaos, and change of the Tiger year brought out what was noble and virtuous in many.

 What we saw rise among us was the power of the people, taking to the streets, standing up for injustice, greed, and the hoarding of wealth, for the forests, the oceans, and the wild places we love. For each other, for our communities, for a return to cash, to homegrown veggies, and for the right to make our own choices about how we wish to live.

I don't think you can get any more exciting, adventurous, or noble than that. 
Thank you, Tiger. 

So as Tiger prepares to imminently give way to Rabbit there's a palpable feeling of energy and events accelerating. It is critical that we stay calm at the wheel and detour the drama as the density of the old world's top-down structures and systems collapse into a new society. It is my firm belief that the more of us that can navigate this wave in love, joy, peace, gratitude, and abundance for all, the faster it will manifest. The more coherent our thoughts and feelings are, then the more coherent and beautiful events and experiences will show up in our lives. 

Much of this intention will be our working themes for 2023 in a powerful year of sovereignty, closure, and change with the Rabbit at the helm; confident and strong, goal-orientated, socially aware, hard-working, conservative and cautious, also quite capable of sudden leaps, surprises, and unexpected directions. 

May our practice be a mainstay. 

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