Seasonal Spirituality & Yoga

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Beltaine Energies

Through the lens of the Wood Element

Bealtaine surges with life, a cross-quarter day that marks the mid-point in Spring, halfway between the Spring Equinox & the Summer Solstice. Steeped in ancient fertility rites Beltane is a sweet honoring of nature’s incredibly fertile energy at this time of year.

In the middle of Spring, there is a clear difference in the energy compared to that of the Spring Equinox in its early weeks where it was still, noticeably, tethered to Winters dark. Now the days are warmer, and sunset is far later than at Equinox, climbing in the sky towards Summer. At the Spring Equinox new life was only a suggestion, but here, at the beginning of November, there is no denying that the Earth has been reborn.

Much like its dark twin, Samhain, these days represent porous places between times and realms. At Samhain, the veil between the worlds of the living & the dead is thin enough that if we wait at the threshold we might connect and convene with those who have passed. Here at Bealtaine, we meet a different veil, the one between the surface world and the world of faeries & nature spirits, all especially active at this time of year. In fact, if you practised the classes for this week, you would have seen the blue light being that appeared at the end of my mat in both Tuesday and Wednesday's classes.

Bealtaine is a period of time filled with the bright green of sunlight through leaves, the type of light that infuses the subaquatic green light of the Faerie realms, bringing us to a place of magic and possibility that exists beyond the rational.

At Bealtaine the buds open and expand into blossoms, as they do, we too are invited to expand beyond the linear world of our comfort zones, to take risks, to show up to our Soul’s path and to vision into the new world that wants to blossom through us. This is the world switching from the dark creative energy of the Feminine, and into the that of the Yang phase and the inner masculine. We are here to claim and take action in our service, our destiny, and the new world that has been gestated in the dark, feminine, Yin phase of the year.

The Wood Element is green and pulsing within you, use this phase of the cycle to re-orientate and redirect where you may have strayed or become dull. Ask yourself what you want to harvest at the end of the growing cycle, then offer that up to the faeries & nature spirits at the bottom of your garden, and to the Bealtaine energies themselves.

The Divine Masculine is arriving, and things are only going to get more fiery.